Friday, August 20, 2010

Update on Child Nutrition Reauthorization

Important News from the Afterschool Alliance via the Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership: Child Nutrition Reauthorization Clears the SenateLate in the afternoon of August 5 the full Senate unanimously passed the bipartisan Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, legislation that reauthorizes the federal child nutrition programs. In addition to increasing access to healthful meals for the children that need them most, the bill includes a provision that expands the afterschool meal program to all 50 states. The bill also requires childcare providers participating in the Child and Adult Care Feeding Program (CACFP) to serve only low-fat or fat-free milk to children aged two and up, among other nutrition standards, and encourages physical activity. Of grave concern to the anti-hunger community is the use of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits as a funding offset to pay for a portion of the child nutrition bill. Attention now turns to the House of Representatives, and whether Congress will be able to pass its version of Child Nutrition reauthorization legislation before the current programs expire on September 30, 2010.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cindy McCown, Second Harvest’s Senior Director of Programs and Services, has been keeping close tabs on the situation involving Child Nutrition Reauthorization and cuts to SNAP (Food Stamps). Below is an update on what’s happening in the Capitol.